Counter strike go MOD APK Download For Android go strike team counter terrorist

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Counter strike go- An amateur project in which the developers tried to port one of the most popular shooters in the world to our Android devices. It is worth noting that it turned out pretty well with them, and although the assembly is still raw and constantly updated, it already has many different functions, settings and even weapon skins. Bots are also present here, however, if you have access to the Internet, then it is much more interesting to play on servers with real players. The location of the control panels can be changed and customized to your needs.
Developer page in VK

v1.02    Cs client
08/25/2017 - No changes indicated.
Cache for the game Counter Strike Go: unzip the folder from the archive into / sdcard /
- it should work like this / xash /
- the size of the unpacked cache is 600 MB
- install Xash3D
- install apk, start the game!

  Download Link

DOWNLOAD APK Cs client 8.5 Mb


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