Lanota - Embark on a journey in a fairy-tale world. Once upon a time, the world plunged into gloomy silence, and has since become dull and gray. However, mankind has invented a tool that can revive a dim world. And our two main characters, taking this tool with them, go on a long journey to save the world. The game is musical, and the main task here is to hit the notes that will fall from above. In the beginning, you have to go through training, where they will show you everything, well, then take it on your own.
Many exciting levels
Beautiful music
v2.1.0 Unlocked
06/16/2020 - No changes indicated.
Cache for the game Lanota: unzip the archive folder into / Android / obb /
- it should work like this /Android/obb/com.Noxygames.Lanota/
- install apk, start the game!
Download Link
DOWNLOAD APK Unlocked 40.78 Mb
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